10000 Search Engine Queries for your Link Building Campaign
Here I present to you, the most exhaustive list of beginners and advanced search engine queries which can help you greatly in finding potential linking partners.Find Websites where you can find industry resources:
Keyword + “top 10 resources”/”top resources”
Keyword + “top 10 sites/”top sites”
Keyword + “top 10 websites”/”top websites”
Keyword + “top 10 articles”/ “top articles”
Keyword + “top 10 tools”/”top tools”
Keyword + “top 10 web resources”/”top web resources” Keyword + “top 10 internet resources”/”top internet resources” Keyword + “top 10 online resources”/”top online resources”
Keyword + “recommended resources”/”suggested resources” Keyword + “useful resources”/”interesting resources” Keyword + “favorite resources”
Keyword + “recommended sites”/”suggested sites” Keyword + “useful sites”/”interesting sites” Keyword + “favorite sites”
Keyword + “recommended websites”/”suggested websites” Keyword + “useful websites”/”interesting websites” Keyword + “favorite websites”
Keyword + “recommended articles”/”suggested articles” Keyword + “useful articles”/”interesting articles” Keyword + “favorite articles”
Keyword + “recommended tools”/”suggested tools” Keyword + “useful tools”/”interesting tools” Keyword + “favorite tools”
Keyword + “recommended links”/”suggested links” Keyword + “useful links”/”interesting links” Keyword + “favorite links”
Keyword + “intitle:resources” Keyword + “round up” Keyword + intitle:”round up”
Keyword + “round up” + intitle:weekly/daily/monthly Keyword + intitle:list
Keyword + “guide”
“list of + Keyword + sites”
Keyword + “news”/”industry news”
Keyword + “magazine”/”industry magazine”
Keyword + “journal”/”industry journal”
Keyword + “whitepapers”
Keyword + “videos”
Keyword + “podcasts”
Keyword + “research”
Keyword + site:.edu
Keyword + site:.info
Keyword + filetype:doc/docx/xls/ppt/pdf
Keyword + inurl:links/resources
Find sites where you can list your website
Keyword + “add a site”/”submit site”/”suggest site”/”post site”/”recommend site” Keyword + “add URL”/”submit URL”/”suggest URL”/”post URL”/”recommend URL” Keyword + “add listing”/”submit listing”/”suggest listing”/”post listing”/”recommend listing”Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend article
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend video
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend podcast
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend whitepaper
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend webinars
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend event
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list job
Keyword + add/submit/suggest/post/list contest
Keyword + add/submit/post/list coupons
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend article Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend video Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend podcast Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend whitepaper Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend webinars Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list/recommend event Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list job
Keyword + intitle:add/submit/suggest/post/list contest Keyword + intitle:add/submit/post/list coupons
Keyword +”add your business”/”list your business”
Keyword + directory
Keyword + directory + add/submit/suggest/post
Keyword + intitle:”directory”
Keyword+ inurl:”directory”
Keyword + Listings
IndustryKeyword + “sign up”/join/register/”create an account”
keyword + coupons + intitle:list keyword + coupons + intitle:submit/add keyword + deals + intitle:submit/add
“deals for” + “keyword *” + intitle:submit/add “coupons for” + “Keyword *” + intitle:submit/add
keyword + sweeps* + intitle:submit
keyword + giveaways + intitle:submit
Find non-profit organizations which accepts donations
In US (www.google.com)Keyword + site:.org
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
Keyword + site:.org
Keyword + site:.org.uk
In India (www.google.co.in)
Keyword + site:.org
Keyword + site:.org.in
In Canada (www.google.ca)
Keyword + site:.org
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
Keyword + site:.org
Keyword + site:.org.au
Note: Use following keywords to find non-profit organizations:
1. “donate for”
2. “donate to”
3. “donate online”
4. “donate now”
5. “make donation”
6. “make charity”
7. “charity online”
8. “money for donation”
9. “goods for donation”
10. “services for donation”
11. “partner”
12. “support”
13. “contribute”
14. “sponsor”
15. “sponsorship”
Find websites to promote your tools,badges, widgets & infographics for Link Building
industryName + intitle:tools industryName + intitle:badges industryName + intitle:widgets industryName + intitle:infographicsindustryName + inurl:tools industryName + inurl:badges industryName + inurl:widgets industryName + inurl:infographics
industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome tools industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome badges industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome widgets industryName + top/recommended/useful/favorite/amazing/awesome infographics
Find blogs which review products
ProductName + review + site:wordpress.comProductName + ratings + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + comparison + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:wordpress.com
ProductName + compare + intext:”powered by wordpress”
ProductName + review + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + ratings + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + comparison + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:blogspot.com
ProductName + review + site:typepad.com
ProductName + ratings + site:typepad.com
ProductName + comparison + site:typepad.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:typepad.com
ProductName + recommended intext:”powered by typepad”
ProductName + review + site:livejournal.com
ProductName + ratings + site:livejournal.com
ProductName + comparison + site:livejournal.com
ProductName + price comparison + site:livejournal.com
Find websites which review products
ProductName + intitle:reviewProductName + intitle:ratings
ProductName + intitle:comparison
ProductName + intitle:price comparison
ProductName + intitle:compare
ProductName + intitle:recommended
Find Industry Specific Q & A
industryName + site:quora.com industryName + site:askville.amazon.com industryName + site:linkedin.com/answers industryName + site:wiki.answers.com industryName + site:answers.yahoo.comOther Q & A queries
[Gaming] + site:gaming.stackexchange.com
[Programmers] + site:programmers.stackexchange.com
[Mathematics] + site:math.stackexchange.com
[Apple] + site:apple.stackexchange.com
[WordPress] + site:wordpress.stackexchange.com
[Android Enthusiasts] + site:android.stackexchange.com [Web Applications] + site:webapps.stackexchange.com [Game Development] + site:gamedev.stackexchange.com [OnStartups] + site:answers.onstartups.com
[Cooking] + site:cooking.stackexchange.com
[Webmasters] + site:webmasters.stackexchange.com
[Electrical Engineering] + site:electronics.stackexchange.com
[Photography] + site:photo.stackexchange.com
[User Experience] + site:ux.stackexchange.com
[Physics] + site:physics.stackexchange.com
[Home Improvement] + site:diy.stackexchange.com
[Personal Finance and Money] + site:money.stackexchange.com
[Skeptics] + site:skeptics.stackexchange.com
[Science Fiction and Fantasy] + site:scifi.stackexchange.com [Role-playing Games] + site:rpg.stackexchange.com
[Stack Apps] + site:stackapps.com
[Bicycles] + site:bicycles.stackexchange.com
[Jewish Life and Learning] + site:judaism.stackexchange.com
[Graphic Design] + site:graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
[Fitness and Nutrition] + site:fitness.stackexchange.com
[Board and Card Games] + site:boardgames.stackexchange.com
[Homebrew] + site:homebrew.stackexchange.com
[Writers] + site:writers.stackexchange.com
[Project Management] + site:pm.stackexchange.com
[Musical Practice and Performance] + site:music.stackexchange.com
[Parenting] + site:parenting.stackexchange.com
[Travel] + site:travel.stackexchange.com
[Audio-Video Production] + site:avp.stackexchange.com
[Christianity] + site:christianity.stackexchange.com
[Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Repair] + site:mechanics.stackexchange.com [Quantitative Finance] + site:quant.stackexchange.com
[Personal Productivity] + site:productivity.stackexchange.com [Gardening and Landscaping] + site:gardening.stackexchange.com [Cryptography] + site:crypto.stackexchange.com
[Philosophy] + site:philosophy.stackexchange.com [Astronomy] + site:astronomy.stackexchange.com
[Literature] + site:literature.stackexchange.com [Linguistics] + site:linguistics.stackexchange.com
[Movies and TV] + site:movies.stackexchange.com
[History] + site:history.stackexchange.com
[Economics] + site:economics.stackexchange.com
[Mathematica] + site:mathematica.stackexchange.com
[Firearms] + site:firearms.stackexchange.com
[Biology] + site:biology.stackexchange.com
[Healthcare IT] + site:healthcareit.stackexchange.com
[Poker] + site:poker.stackexchange.com
Find blogs which accept sponsored/paid reviews
Keyword + intext:”this is a sponsored post”Keyword + intext:”this was a sponsored post”
Keyword + intext:”this is a paid post”
Keyword + intext:”this was a paid post”
Keyword + intext:”this is a Sponsored review”
Keyword + intext:”this was a Sponsored review”
Keyword + intext:”this is a paid review”
Keyword + intext:”this was a paid review”
Find Industry Specific Social Profiles
industryName + site:facebook.com industryName + site:twitter.com industryName + site:linkedin.com=====================================================================
Find Industry Specific Events
industryName + site:meetup.com industryName + intitle:conference industryName + intitle:seminar industryName + intitle:expo industryName + intitle:trade show industryName + intitle:exhibition=====================================================================
Find Google Public User Profiles
You can search Google’s public user profiles with search query strings like this:https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=your-search-query&tbs=prfl:e
Example: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=himanshu+sharma&tbs=prfl:e or by appending &tbs=prfl:e onto any search URL.
Find Chamber of Commerce Site
In US (www.google.com)<city-name> + Chamber of commerce site:.<state-code>.us Chamber of commerce site:.<state-code>.us
<city-name> + Chamber of commerce site:.org <city-name>+ Chamber of commerce site:.com
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
<city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.uk <city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.com
In India (www.google.co.in)
<city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.in <city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.com
In Canada (www.google.ca)
<city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.ca
<city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.com
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
<city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.au <city-name> + Chamber of Commerce site:.com
Find institutions which provide primary and secondary education
In US (www.google.com)<city-name> + Site:.k12.<state-code>.us
<city-name> + Site:.pvt.k12.<state-code>.us
<city-name> + site:.kid
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
In India (www.google.co.in)
<city-name> + School
In Canada (www.google.ca)
<city-name> + School
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
<city-name> + School + site:.<state-code>.au
<city-name> + School
In New Zeland (www.google.co.nz)
<city-name> + site:.school.nz
Find Institutions which provide Higher Education
In US (www.google.com)<city-name> + site:.cc.<state-code>.us <city-name> + site:.tec.<state-code>.us <city-name> + College/university + site:.edu
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
<city-name> + site:.ac.uk
<city-name> + College/university + site:.edu
In India (www.google.co.in)
<city-name> + site:.ac.in
<city-name> + College/university + site:.edu <city-name> + College/university + site:.edu.in <city-name> + site:.res.in
In Canada (www.google.ca)
<city-name> + College/university + site:.edu <city-name> + College/university + site:.ca <city-name> + College/university + site:.com
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
<city-name> + College/university + site:.edu
<city-name> + College/university + site:.edu.<state-code>.au
In New Zeland (www.google.co.nz)
<city-name> + College/university + site:.edu
<city-name> + College/university + site:.ac.nz
Find Library Sites
In US (www.google.com)<city-name> + site:.lib.<state-code>.us
<city-name> + library + site:.<state-code>.us
<city-name> + library + site:.edu
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
<city-name> + library +site:.uk
<city-name> + library +site:.edu
In India (www.google.co.in)
<city-name> + library +site:.in
<city-name> + library +site:.edu
In Canada (www.google.ca)
<city-name> + library +site:.ca
<city-name> + library +site:.edu
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
<city-name> + library + site:.<state-code>.au
<city-name> + library + site:.edu
Find Research Council Sites
In US (www.google.com)Research Council + site:.<state-code>.us
Research Council + site:.com
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
Research Council + site:.uk
Research Council + site:.com
In India (www.google.co.in)
Research Council + site:.in
Research Council + site:.com
In Canada (www.google.ca)
Research Council + site:.ca
Research Council + site:.com
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
Research Council + site:.<state-code>.au
Research Council + site:.com
Find goverment institutions
In US (www.google.com)Keyword + site:.gov
In UK (www.google.co.uk)
Keyword + site:.gov.uk
In India (www.google.co.in)
Keyword + site:.gov.in
Keyword + site:.nic.in
In Canada (www.google.ca)
Keyword + site:.gov
In Australia (www.google.com.au)
Keyword + site:.gov.au
Google Search Operators
allinanchor:This operator is used to return web documents in which the anchor text contains all the words following the colon. For example: allinanchor:car insurance
This search will return all the web documents in which the anchor text contains the words ‘car’ and ‘insurance’
Note: This operator can’t be easily combined with other Google Operators.
This operator is used to return web documents in which the anchor text contains the word following the colon. For example:
This search will return all the web documents in which the anchor text contains the words ‘car’.
This operator is used to return web documents in which the body text (text on the web page) of a web document contains all the word following the colon. For example: allintext:car insurance
This search will return all the web documents in which the body text of a web document contains the words ‘car’ and ‘insurance’
This operator is used to return web documents in which the body text of a web document contains the word following the colon. For example: intext:car
This search will return all the web documents in which the body text of a web document contains the words ‘car’.
This operator is used to return web documents in which the title tag of a web document contains all the word following the colon. For example: allintitle:car insurance
This search will return all the web documents in which the title tag of a web document contains the words ‘car’ and ‘insurance’
This operator is used to return web documents in which the title tag of a web document contains the word following the colon. For example: intitle:car
This search will return all the web documents in which the title tag of a web document contains the words ‘car’
This operator is used to return web documents in which the URL of a web document contains all the word following the colon. For example: allinurl:car insurance
This search will return all the web documents in which the URL of a web document contains the words ‘car’ and ‘insurance’.
This operator is used to return web documents in which the URL of a web document contains the word following the colon. For example: inurl:car
This search will return all the web documents in which the URL of a web document contains the words ‘car’
This operator is used to return web documents of a particular file type. For example: “SEO Checklist: filetype:pdf
This search will return all the web documents which contains the words ‘seo’ and ‘checklist’ and which are PDF documents. This operator is useful in finding valuable resources.
This is a most common search operator of Google and is used to determine back links of a website. For e.g. link:seomoz.org
This search operator will return a sample of the web documents which link out to the website seomoz.org
This search operator returns web documents which are similar to the webpage you specified following the colon. For example: related:seomoz.org
This search operator will return websites which are similar to seomoz.org website like search engine land, seobook etc. This operator can help a lot in finding link building opportunities.
This search operator is used to search within a specific website. For example: “checklist” site:seomoz.org
This search result will return all the checklist type blog posts published on seomoz so far. The operator can also be used to
find contact information or guest post opportunities within a website.
If you want to search within a specific folder of a website use
site:abc.com/folderFor example: site:seomoz.org/blog
If you want to search within a specific sub-domain of a website use
site:subdomain.abc.comFor example:
site:games.*.com – find websites whose sub domain is ‘games’ and the top level domain is ‘.com’
The search results for this query can be something like:
1. games.softpedia.com/2. games.yahoo.com/
3. games.ifeng.com/
4. games.msn.com/
site:games.* – find websites whose primary domain is ‘games’
The search results for this query can be something like:
1. www.games.com/2. www.games.ca/
3. www.games.it/
4. games.de/
site:ebay.* – Find all the top level domains of ebay website.
The search results for this query can be something like:
1. www.ebay.ca/2. www.ebay.cn/
3. www.ebay.ie/
4. www.ebay.hu/
5. www.ebay.no/
– (minus) operator
Using a minus sign immediately before a word tells Google not to return web documents which contain the word immediately after the minus operator. For e.g. Java -coffee -beans
Here you are telling Google not to return web documents which contain the word ‘coffee’ and ‘beans’
* (Wildcard operator)
Through this search operator you can create a placeholder in your search query and let the Google fill it. For e.g. the query: * management courses will return different types of management courses available.
Google Advanced Search:
Google Advanced search let you apply following filters to modify your search results:
1. Language
2. Region
3. Last updated date
4. Where the search terms appear on the page
5. Safe Search filter turned on or off
6. Reading level
7. Usage rights
Google Search Operators which work with Google Image Search:
allintitle:, allinurl:, filetype:, inurl:, intitle:, site:
For more advanced search options use Google Advanced image search
Google Search Operators which work with Google Blog Search:
You can use following search operators with Google Blog Search:
inblogtitle:keyword – restricts search to blog titles
blogurl:keyword – restricts search to blog URLs
link:https://www.abc.com – find blogs linking to the given page
inpostauthor:”Author Name” – find blog posts written by a specified author
Bing Search Operators:
Through this search operator you can get a list of all the external links of a website. For example: linkfromdomain:seomoz.org – returns a list of all the external links of the seomoz website.
This operator is used to check whether a particular URL is in the Bing index. For example: url:seomoz.org
This operator can be used to find RSS feeds of the blogs related to your search term. For e.g. feed:seo – returns the RSS feeds of all the SEO related blogs.
This operator is used to return webpages from a specific country or region. For example: “seo blogs” location:gb – returns UK seo blogs
Note: You can get a complete list of country codes from here
This operator is used to add emphasis to a search term. For e.g. jaguar prefer:car – returns list of web pages which talk about the Jaguar car and not jaguar cat or any other thing related to jaguar.
Use this operator to find websites which link out to a particular file type. For e.g. contains:pdf – returns a list of websites which link out to PDF documents.
site:seomoz.org contains:pdf – find all the webpages of seomoz which link out to a PDF document.
linkfromdomain:seomoz.org contains:pdf – Find all the external links of seomoz which in turn link out to a PDF document.
This operator is used to return web documents in which the HTML body of a web document contains all the words following the colon. For example: inbody:”seo takeaways”
Note: inbody: operator can be used to find web pages which mention your brand name but don’t link out to you.
This operator returns web pages written in a specific language. For e.g. “seo cheatsheet” language:fr – returns all the web pages which contain seo cheatsheet in french.
Note: you can get a complete list of language codes from here
This operator is used to find websites hosted on a specific IP address. For example: ip:
Same as Google Search operator ‘site:’
Same as Google Search operator ‘inurl:’
Same as Google Search operator ‘intitle:’
Same as Google Search Operator ‘inanchor:’
Same as Google Search operator ‘filetype:’
For best results use industry keywords.
Find websites which provide guest post opportunities
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blog”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blogger”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest Column”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest article”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + guest post
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + guest author
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for us”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for me”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “become a contributor”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “contribute to this site”
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + inurl:category/guest
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + inurl:contributors
Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blog” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest blogger” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest Column” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “guest article” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for us” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “write for me” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “become a contributor” + inanchor:contact Keyword/yourCompetitorName + “contribute to this site” + inanchor:contact
Find Link Reclamation Opportunities:
“your-1st-product-name-with-space” “your-1st-product-name-without-space” “your-2nd-product-name-with-space”
“your-2nd-product-name-without-space” “your-Nth-product-name-with-space” “your-Nth-product-name-with-space”
“company URL” “key-employee-name”
“your-2nd-website-name/url” “your-Nth-website-name/url”
Find blogs relevant to your industry
Keyword + site:wordpress.comKeyword + site:blogspot.com
Keyword + site:typepad.com
Keyword + site:edublogs.org
Keyword + site:livejournal.com
Keyword + intext:”powered by wordpress”
Keyword + intext:”powered by typepad”
Find Interview Opportunities
industryName + intitle:interview -job industryVertical + intitle:interview -job competitorName + intitle:interview -job industryName + inurl:interview -job industryVertical + intitle:interview -job competitorName + inurl:interview -jobKeyword + intitle:”experts interview”/talk/discuss/answer
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